The sun finally came out. Today it is hiding again. Quite a shy sun this year so far.
Monday was my birthday. Welcome to 28 me. Some friends and I went to Lazy Jane's for breakfast. Yum! It is a great place, one where the furniture is mis-matched, as are the dishes. You order at the counter, walk away with your coffee and scone, and wait for them to call your name for the order. They shouted "Happy Birthday Chelsea" when the food was done. Fun! And a blessing that I had friends who could make a Monday morning breakfast.
I spent time in the sun that day too. Read a book. What a good relaxation.
That evening, I had people over to drink sangria and hang out on our back porch. I want shopping at Trader Joe's before that to get the supplies. The man ringing out my order asked me what I was up to that day. I told him it was my birthday and what I had been up to. He walked away. When he came back, he had flowers! Could I love Trader Joe's any more?
When I started this blog, I named it "Adventures of Chels" because I was going to conquer the world. Life has been more reality than that in the last few years though. I feel like I have grown up a lot in Madison: learned to pay bills, make decisions about where to live, what paths to pursue at work, what to give time to, where to give money and how to deal with things that don't go my way. Not easy. There are a lot of moments that are so normal, some good small moments, some great, and some difficult. Life is a grand adventure always, just not always in any dramatic way.
I learned last week that I have been anemic. That is great news actually. I have been weak and frustrated by that for a long time. The most frustrating part was running slowly. I crept along, it was terrible. My body felt really heavy and just wouldn't move. I look forward to feeling well. It is strange how there can be something in life that is not right. And then it gets a little worse, and then a little worse, gradually though, so you almost don't notice it changing. A few days into taking iron pills, I felt a bit better. (not all the way, but noticeable) I drove home Sunday evening, singing loudly and feeling supremely happy and hopeful. So here's to the sun coming back, and me getting back to myself too.....