Tuesday 9 December 2008

The future and now

How do you balance the here and now with hopes and dreams of the future? It is important to dream, to scheme, to look forward to what could be. It is also important to be able to be present. To enjoy life where you are at, to learn the lessons of the day. To laugh or share a story with someone, to enjoy running or playing in the snow. Also, to be able to live life without wondering about the "somedays" and the next step in life. This is hard for me. As soon as I get to a place, I think about where I will move to next or when something starts I wonder how long it will last and what will be next. This is not always bad because dreaming is good, but it can take away from being and investing here in the here and now. And maybe that is why it is hard, cause it's committing to the imperfections of now and digging in to work through them. In the dreams, things are in motion and things go well. In the here and now, things take longer than I would like.


RJC said...

Funny! This is exactly what Lorinda and I talked about today for a bit. Knowing that your heart is made for someplace else, and you might know where or you might not, but yet you have to grow where you are in preparation for where you will go. HARD!

Unknown said...

You cannot worry for things that have not taken place. My philosophy to present and future is that I have always know what will happen in the future, because my future will follow the course of my heart, and I already know where my heart is. Therefore there is no reason to think too far into it. As long as you know what you want and have faith in God, you will have no fear in future, you will always be able to see the future clearly.