Monday 3 December 2007

oh Christmas tree

Imagine the scene. Me and my mom head to the Christmas tree farm, grab a saw from the stand full of them, and start the hunt for this year's tree. Seems strange, a. to walk around a field full of trees with a saw, b. that this field of trees is there for this specific purpose, c. me walking about with a saw, ha. And so we looked at some trees, and finally found the right one.

It is great, looks like you can hug it, though I don't want to try. So I set about cutting it down. Me, half squatting, half kneeling in the snow to cut down this tree. Back and forth, back and forth with the saw. To my surprise, I was actually cutting through the truck, hooray! I did have to take some breaks though to rest my arms, it's hard work! Then as my mom is starting to doubt that I am going to be able to do it, I push the tree over. (I didn't know I had cut enough of it either, to be honest) Then simply sawed the little bit still attached and tadah, our tree was free. Now what???

Me dragging the tree back to the entrance. Victory. Of course as we get to the entrance, the man half laughs at me dragging this tree and takes it from me. Um, thanks.

After getting some hot cider, loading the tree into the trunk and using a bungee cord to hold the truck sort of shut, we took off, driving back home through the fog and rain. Yes, my friends, even getting a Christmas tree is a great adventure. "Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches" Yes, true story, this is a pretty tree.

Sadly though, I killed a tree. I could never be a hunter, as I can't even kill a tree without feeling bad. And what are the environmental people going to have to say?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I could have seen you sawing it down!